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S1000rr 2019, cosa significa?

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    S1000rr 2019, cosa significa?

    cito da un forum americano:

    "If you were in the US on the North American 2020 S1000RR they have severely limited the throttle in the lower gears likely to pass EPA noise/emission requirements for 2020.
    That can be fixed with a tune now. I think brentuning and a few others have solved that, but it just depends if you want to ship your ECU off on your new bike and possibly void your warranty.
    Since you are in the UK , those bikes don?t seem to be restricted near as much so that is a much more difficult decision.
    I personally would have to get an exhaust right away also on the BMW as the stock exhaust is just such an eye sore. A slip-on won?t cut it either you will need a full exhaust if that bothers you like it does me."

    Tradotto con google:

    "Se tu fossi negli Stati Uniti sulla S1000RR del Nord America 2020, hanno fortemente limitato l'acceleratore negli ingranaggi inferiori che potrebbero superare i requisiti di rumore / emissione EPA per il 2020. Questo pu? essere risolto con una melodia ora. Penso che il brentuning e pochi altri lo abbiano risolto, ma dipende solo se vuoi spedire la tua ECU sulla tua nuova bici e possibilmente invalidare la garanzia. Dal momento che sei nel Regno Unito, quelle bici non sembrano essere limitate cos? tanto che ? una decisione molto pi? difficile. Personalmente dovrei ottenere subito uno scarico anche sulla BMW poich? lo scarico di serie ? solo un tale mal di occhio. Uno slip-on non lo taglier? o avrai bisogno di uno scarico completo se questo ti d? fastidio, come me."

    limitazioni di potenza nelle prime 3 marce?
    in che senso?
    in europa?
    Last edited by Mugellaro; 20-09-19, 13:56.

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    Non capisco molto bee l'inglese ma anche qui uno dice di aver venduto la nuova bmw per gli stessi motivi.

    mi potete spiegare voi che capite meglio l'inglese o siete meglio informati?


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      se ne ? parlato nel topic "power mapping", tutte le moto hanno restrizioni specifiche per il mercato USA, Bmw ha scelto questo approccio appunto, ma ? solo per quelle USA:

      What Do We Do To Fix These Issues?

      ? Throttle Restriction

      We remove the throttle restrictions across the board. We do not force load a European file/Eeprom as this has its own set of flaws and could force your bike to have an identity crisis or get you in trouble with BMW. This restriction is software based only and doesn?t require anything but a software modification on our side to remedy. As soon as you get your ECU back to your motorcycle, it will feel like a night and day difference from stock. In some gears the bike is missing 50HP and 40TQ! This is how a BMW S1000RR should feel. If you?ve ever ridden a 2020 S1000RR you know how fast and furious 6th gear feels compared to 2nd. Imagine that feeling in 2nd at low speeds. It?s wild.

      See the photo below we took of a US model bike. The red lines represent the OEM throttle restriction and the blue lines represent our Stage //M+ flash on the same motorcycle. The result is a huge gain in torque and horsepower in the mid-range. This is where the most complaints of the bike are which is now fixed. Testing done back to back on our dynojet.

