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Serbatoi aftermarket/artigianali

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    ciao rbtmoto grazie per i complimenti,per quanto riguarda il codone ducati e stato lavorato completamente a mano senza l' ausilio di stampi. Per il resto dei serbatoi il primo prototipo viene formato completamente a mano, e nel caso vi sia una richiesta superiore a un certo quantitatativo si procede con la costruzione di stampi in resina su cui ribattere la lamiera, ma nella maggior parte dei casi si lavora senza stampi solo tramite modelli.......resto a diposizione per eventuali chiarimenti


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      DUCATI old style


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        Originally posted by tecknorace400 View Post
        ciao rbtmoto grazie per i complimenti,per quanto riguarda il codone ducati e stato lavorato completamente a mano senza l' ausilio di stampi. Per il resto dei serbatoi il primo prototipo viene formato completamente a mano, e nel caso vi sia una richiesta superiore a un certo quantitatativo si procede con la costruzione di stampi in resina su cui ribattere la lamiera, ma nella maggior parte dei casi si lavora senza stampi solo tramite modelli.......resto a diposizione per eventuali chiarimenti
        Gentile signore -

        Ho visto le foto dei serbatoi di carburante in alluminio meravigliosi che si producono. Sono belli!

        In America, abbiamo avuto problemi con i serbatoi in plastica su alcuni modelli Ducati. Questo perch? di additivi nel carburante disponibile negli Stati Uniti.

        Perch? non conoscere la vostra azienda e la vostra maestria, ho cercato per quasi un anno per avere serbatoi di carburante in alluminio prodotti in India. Io non sono nel business degli accessori moto - Io sono solo un appassionato di Ducati che ha aspettato per quattro anni per qualcuno per riempire questo requisito. Ora che ho trovato notizie circa la vostra azienda, se ? possibile compilare questo requisito, penso che i piloti Ducati potrebbe pi? facilmente acquistare questi serbatoi da voi.

        Ho alcune domande che spero si ? in grado di rispondere:

        1. La vostra azienda ? in grado di produrre questi serbatoi di carburante in termini di volume (ad esempio, 50 carri armati)?

        2. I modelli credo proprietari di moto Ducati sono pi? interessati ad acquistare serbatoi in alluminio per i tre modelli diversi Sport Classic (PS 1000 LE, SC 1000, e GT 1000) e la Streetfighter. La foto che hai postato qui mostra la SC 1000. Avete anche fare i serbatoi di carburante per gli altri modelli che ho elencato?

        3. Supponendo che si pu? vendere 50 esempi di serbatoi di carburante per ciascuno dei quattro modelli che ho elencato sopra, qual ? la sua stima del costo per ogni serbatoio del carburante?

        Ho fornito questo in inglese e in italiano, utilizzando Google Translate. Se si risponde in italiano, io tradurlo utilizzando lo stesso software. Grazie in anticipo per qualsiasi informazione ? possibile fornire.

        Cordiali saluti,


        Dear Sir -

        I saw your pictures of the wonderful aluminum fuel tanks that you manufacture. They are beautiful!

        In America, we have experienced problems with the plastic fuel tanks on certain Ducati models. This is because of additives in the fuel available in the United States.

        Because I did not know about your company and your craftsmanship, I have been trying for nearly a year to have aluminum fuel tanks manufactured in India. I am not in the business of motorcycle accessories - I am just a Ducati enthusiast who waited for four years for someone to fill this requirement. Now that I have found news about your company, if you can fill this requirement, I think Ducati riders could more easily buy these tanks from you.

        I have some questions that I hope you are able to answer:

        1. Is your company capable of producing these fuel tanks in volume (for example, fifty tanks)?

        2. The models I believe Ducati owners are most interested in buying aluminum fuel tanks for are the three different Sport Classic models (PS 1000 LE, SC 1000, and GT 1000) and the Streetfighter. The photograph you posted here shows the SC 1000. Do you also make fuel tanks for the other models I listed?

        3. Assuming that you can sell fifty examples of fuel tanks for each of the four models I listed above, what is your estimate of the cost for each fuel tank?

        I have provided this in both English and Italian, using Google Translate. If you reply in Italian, I will translate it using the same software. Thank you in advance for any information you can provide.




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          Abbiamo gi? un rivenditore accessori qui negli Stati Uniti, che ? interessato a comprare immediatamente dieci serbatoi di carburante. Si interessa di tutti i modelli Sport Classic, la Streetfighter, e il mostro (il Mostro).

          We already have an accessories dealer here in the United States who is interested in immediately buying ten fuel tanks. He is interested in all Sport Classic models, the Streetfighter, and the monster (il Mostro).


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            Caro Manuel -

            Si potrebbe presto essere contattato da un signore di nome Jonathan quanto riguarda i vostri serbatoi di carburante per le moto Ducati. E 'in Italia, e io e lui stiamo lavorando lo stesso sforzo di portare questi serbatoi in alluminio di carburante negli Stati Uniti.

            Grazie ancora per qualsiasi aiuto o informazioni che ci pu? dare!

            Dear Manuel -

            You may soon be contacted by a gentleman named Jonathan regarding your fuel tanks for Ducati motorcycles. He is in Italy, and he and I are working on the same effort to bring these aluminum fuel tanks to the US.

            Thank you again for any help or information you can provide us!


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              Hello Gary
              thanks in advance for the compliments that I have been made about the pictures of the tanks.
              As regards the construction of the other models of tanks from you listed there are no problems. Last week I was contacted and asked Jhonatan different information to which I proceeded to give an answer, this week we have to suffer for the discourse shipment of tanks. I also leave you my cell num 3804751219 for any clarification regarding the construction of the tanks.
              I apologize if the translation is not quite correct.
              thanks Gary


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                Originally posted by tecknorace400 View Post
                Hello Gary
                thanks in advance for the compliments that I have been made about the pictures of the tanks.
                As regards the construction of the other models of tanks from you listed there are no problems. Last week I was contacted and asked Jhonatan different information to which I proceeded to give an answer, this week we have to suffer for the discourse shipment of tanks. I also leave you my cell num 3804751219 for any clarification regarding the construction of the tanks.
                I apologize if the translation is not quite correct.
                thanks Gary
                Metti il prefisso internazionale davanti al numero:


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                  Caro Manuel e facssss -

                  Grazie mille per tutte le informazioni! Speriamo Jonathan vi fornir? tutte le informazioni necessarie per il cammino in questo sforzo.

                  Ecco un link al thread in cui stiamo discutendo questo progetto, alto consiglio di chat Ducati negli Stati Uniti:

                  Italian aluminum tank work? - - The Ultimate Ducati Forum

                  E 'qui che ho imparato della vostra azienda, e dove ho visto le fotografie dei vostri meravigliosi prodotti.

                  Grazie ancora, non esitate a farmi sapere se avete domande!



                  Dear Manuel and facssss -

                  Thank you so much for all of your information! Hopefully Jonathan will provide you with all the information you require as we move forward on this effort.

                  Here is a link to the thread where we are discussing this project on, the top Ducati chat board in the US:

                  Italian aluminum tank work? - - The Ultimate Ducati Forum

                  This is where I first learned of your company, and where I first saw the photographs of your wonderful products.

                  Thank you again, please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any questions!




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                    Inoltre, spero che gli altri membri del sono in grado di godere di seguito le nostre avventure con questo progetto. Negli Stati Uniti, ? stata una grande sfida per gli appassionati di Ducati bcause dei serbatoi di plastica, ed i problemi quando sono combinati con gli additivi che si trovano in gasolio qui. Ma ora che siamo sulla buona strada per trovare un paio di soluzioni a questi problemi, tutte le sfide valsa la pena.

                    Grazie ancora - questo ? un ottimo sito, e mi sto godendo la lettura dei tuoi sforzi molto!



                    Also, I hope the other members of are ablre to enjoy following our adventures with this project. In the US, it has been a great challenge to Ducati enthusiasts bcause of the plastic tanks, and the problems when they are combined with the additives that are found in fuel here. But now that we are on track to find a couple of solutions to these problems, all the challenges have been worthwhile.

                    Thank you again - this is a great site, and I am enjoying reading about your efforts very much!


                    Last edited by spezjag; 02-10-12, 12:22. Reason: I am not a good typist.


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                      Originally posted by spezjag View Post
                      Caro Manuel e facssss -

                      Grazie mille per tutte le informazioni! Speriamo Jonathan vi fornir? tutte le informazioni necessarie per il cammino in questo sforzo.

                      Ecco un link al thread in cui stiamo discutendo questo progetto, alto consiglio di chat Ducati negli Stati Uniti:

                      Italian aluminum tank work… - - The Ultimate Ducati Forum

                      E 'qui che ho imparato della vostra azienda, e dove ho visto le fotografie dei vostri meravigliosi prodotti.

                      Grazie ancora, non esitate a farmi sapere se avete domande!



                      Dear Manuel and facssss -

                      Thank you so much for all of your information! Hopefully Jonathan will provide you with all the information you require as we move forward on this effort.

                      Here is a link to the thread where we are discussing this project on, the top Ducati chat board in the US:

                      Italian aluminum tank work… - - The Ultimate Ducati Forum

                      This is where I first learned of your company, and where I first saw the photographs of your wonderful products.

                      Thank you again, please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any questions!


                      Dear Gary,
                      I am only a member of this forum, in my prevoius previous message i have only added the Italy country code on Manuel's phone number.
                      Please refer to him for details about fuel tanks.
                      Last edited by facssss; 01-10-12, 17:42.


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                        Originally posted by facssss View Post
                        Dear Gary,
                        I am only a member of this forum, in my prevoius previous message i have only added the Italy country code on Manuel's phone number.
                        Please refer to him for details about fuel tanks.
                        Facssss -

                        Thank you for clearing that up for me.

                        On a positive note, I think we have made positive contact with Manuel, and he is enthusiastic about being able to provide alloy fuel tanks to the US.


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                          Hello Gary I saw the forum which gave me the link, I want to thank all the guys for the compliments facts. Yesterday I contacted Jonathan and we're talking for the production of tanks and other special parts, just something I know I'll know more 'accurate but if you have any other questions please ask I will try to be as clear as possible because I am very interested to bring my products in America thanks again
                          My web-site is Tecknorace | Dalla passione la nostra esperienza


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                            hello Gary manuel I have seen on the forum that many boys suspect that the tanks are not made ​​by hand but I can assure you that they are completely hand beaten them if I could invite everyone to visit my company to show live as they are beaten by hand tanks. If you go on you tube and type tecknorace you see a video with some processing steps of the tanks.


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                              Caro Manuel -

                              Grazie mille per la risposta! Ho guardato il vostro sito web, e sembra grande! Sono molto felice di apprendere che sono entusiasti di questa opportunit?.

                              Mi consentir? Jonathan di prendere il ruolo principale nelle discussioni con voi, in modo che non si ricevono comunicazioni troppi per quanto riguarda questo sforzo. Tuttavia, continuer? a leggere questo thread ogni giorno, quindi se avete domande, non esitate a chiedere qui.

                              Grazie ancora!

                              Cordiali saluti,


                              Dear Manuel -

                              Thank you so much for your reply! I looked at your web site, and it looks great! I am very happy to hear that you are excited about this opportunity.

                              I will allow Jonathan to take the lead role in discussions with you, so that you are not receiving too many communications regarding this effort. However, I will continue to read this thread every day, so if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me here.

                              Thank you again!


                              Originally posted by tecknorace400 View Post
                              Hello Gary I saw the forum which gave me the link, I want to thank all the guys for the compliments facts. Yesterday I contacted Jonathan and we're talking for the production of tanks and other special parts, just something I know I'll know more 'accurate but if you have any other questions please ask I will try to be as clear as possible because I am very interested to bring my products in America thanks again
                              My web-site is Tecknorace | Dalla passione la nostra esperienza


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                                Originally posted by tecknorace400 View Post
                                hello Gary manuel I have seen on the forum that many boys suspect that the tanks are not made ​​by hand but I can assure you that they are completely hand beaten them if I could invite everyone to visit my company to show live as they are beaten by hand tanks. If you go on you tube and type tecknorace you see a video with some processing steps of the tanks.
                                grande concittadino , appena affacciato su DDG e hai avuto subito un successone

